A large part of the advertising inventory you can buy is no longer traceable, either due to the absence of user consent, or to the blocking of these famous third-party cookies.
Of course, it's still possible to measure performance with traditional key metrics (such as click-through rate or impression rate, for example) - but these are fairly basic, and don't enable campaigns to be finely optimized.
Here, we focus on a new metric that's getting a lot of attention, and its benefits: attention measurement..
What are attention metrics?
Attention metrics, also sometimes called “attention measurement", are key performance indicators that measure the attention targets pay to advertisements.
Attention metrics are the answer to the problem of measuring performance in a cookieless world: they measure the target's actual engagement with the ad.
To be more precise, attention measurement is made up of a set of key metrics (around twenty criteria), which ultimately give an attention score (often on a scale of 0 to 100).
“Many of the metrics used to measure the performance of advertising campaigns cannot survive the disappearance of third-party cookies. They become incomplete, or even impossible to collect. Advertisers must therefore find other KPIs to measure their performance and optimize their campaigns. In this context, measurement metrics are perfect: they help advertisers gain a precise idea of target behavior towards their ads, while complying with their consent and with legislation concerning digital advertising.”
What can you measure with those types of metrics?
The criteria for measuring media attention can be divided into four different categories.
1. Analysis of advertising context
The idea with these analysis criteria is to determine whether the content of the page on which the ad is displayed is closely related to the content of the ad. These criteria include a semantic analysis of the page, to determine whether the ad and content share a thematic affinity.
2. Advertising experience offered to the user on the page
The idea here is to measure the attention the user is likely to pay to the ad in view of the various elements it contains.
Two main methods are used to calculate attention:
- The probabilistic method, which involves measuring attention on a panel of web users (via webcams and/or laboratory studies) and generalizing the results obtained over all possible environments.
- The deterministic method, which involves rigorous and precise analysis of signals (using javascript impression trackers) on the page for each impression.
These two methods, which are usually complementary, will measure the target's visual attention. This is achieved by using:
- Eye-tracking, i.e. tracking users' eye movements on the page
- Heatmaps, i.e. visualizing the areas where visitors interact most on the web page
- Analysis of time spent on the page by the user
But this can also be achieved through surveys sent to targets to estimate their recall of the ad (in fact, as soon as the latter is seen, attention meters systematically record higher ad recall and brand lift), as is already the case with features such as Brand Lift Survey on Snapchat Ads or YouTube Ads.
3. Authentic advertising visibility
You may not be aware of it, but placing an ad on a web page doesn't necessarily guarantee that it will be viewed and acted upon by your target audience.
This is where the measurement of genuine ad visibility comes in. It consists in analyzing the positioning and duration of visibility of the ad on the screen, in its actual broadcast context.
4. User behavior analysis
The idea here is to measure target engagement with the ad, taking into account their behavior.
These criteria include metrics such as:
- Engagement rate (for advertising on social media): likes, comments, shares...
- Bounce rate, i.e. the percentage of people who leave a page immediately after seeing the ad.
- Interaction with the ad (clicks, hovers, etc.)
What are the benefits of measuring attention on your ads?
There are two benefits of attention metrics for you, advertiser.
On the one hand, this key metric enables you to improve the performance measurement of your campaigns in a cookieless world. Indeed, all the metrics included in attention metrics are cookieless, IDless or consentless. In this sense, they follow the trend of third-party cookies disappearing, and allow you to measure performance while respecting the consent of Internet users.
On the other hand, attention measurement helps you optimize the return on investment of your campaigns. Thanks to attention metrics, you can broadcast advertising campaigns in a context that will enable your targets to really pay attention to them, so as to optimize them and obtain better results in the end.
Major players in the attention measurement market include Xpln.ai, Adelaide and Lumen. And the good news is that we at Biggie are working hard to take on board this essential new measurement tool in a cookieless world!
Psst..connaissez-vous les 6 tendances marketing de 2024 ?

En ce début d'année, tous les experts des agences du groupe Biggie se sont rassemblés pour vous donner 6 insights marketing incontournables en 2024.Dans ce book, on parle :
- Omnicanalité Maîtrisée : Fusionnez les canaux pour créer une expérience client complète.
- Mesure d'Attention : Évaluez l'impact réel de vos campagnes dans un univers publicitaire en évolution.
- Ciblage intergénérationnel : Cassez les cloisons grâce aux ciblages comportementaux.
- 🎁 et bien plus encore à découvrir !