Comté strengthens its brand awareness by capitalizing on current events
Conseil & Activation Media Omnicanal

A daily presence
À travers notre méthodologie A.K.A by Biggie Impact.
Comté aims to be present throughout the year in the daily lives of the French by leveraging current events and significant happenings. The goal is to enhance brand awareness and preference.

Comté deploys a multi-channel communication strategy using TV, Display and Video. Targeting includes :
- 25-35 year-olds, future consumers
- 35-59 year-olds, current consumers
- Families, for their recruitment potential
Les résultas
The campaign increases ad recall by +35 points, spontaneous awareness by +6 points, and purchase intention by +7 points compared to 2018, demonstrating the effectiveness of the strategy.
ad recall
purchase intention