MACIF boosts its brand awareness and conversions in a highly competitive sector.

Banques / Assurances

Digital Performance


Generate quote requests

À travers notre méthodologie A.K.A by Biggie Impact.

In a highly competitive insurance sector, MACIF aims to capitalize on its website audience to enhance brand awareness and increase product conversions. The objective is to re-engage prospects throughout the conversion funnel and to boost quote generation.


A retargeting strategy with precise segmentation
Effective segmentation
Retargeting and segmentation: a winning strategy

To achieve these objectives, MACIF implements a retargeting strategy. Website traffic is segmented based on product, content, and recency of visits. Existing customers are excluded from campaigns through the use of pixels in the client area, allowing efforts to focus on new prospects.

Les résultas

An outstanding success!

The MACIF campaign successfully tripled conversions and reduced the cost per lead by 24% through a retargeting strategy and precise segmentation of its online audience.

- 24%

Cost Per Lead (CPL)