Growth marketing training:
Succeed in your digital acquisition campaigns

Course description
Means of evaluation
€ excl. tax
/per trainee
Number of trainees
Between 1 and 8
7 hours
To participate in this training, you must have a computer and an Internet connection (headphones are also recommended) during remote sessions.
Training can be done on-site in our/your premises or remotely (teams videoconferencing, zoom, Google meets, etc.)
Access deadline
1 month before the start of the training. Response within 48 hours.
Training content
STEP 1 :
Understand the basics and some advanced concepts
- Understand digital solutions
- Define a Kpis framework
- Define your digital acquisition plan
- Ensure that the measurement prerequisites are in place: site centrics, CNIL regulations
- Build your reporting
- Effectively optimize your plan
STEP 2 :
Apply via a practical case – e-commerce
STEP 3 :
Confirm acquired knowledge via 3qtz certification (Google Forms)

Training schedule
- [.heading-style-h4][.text-color-blue]from 9:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.[.text-color-blue][.heading-style-h4]
[.text-style-allcaps][.text-weight-bold]Introduction[.text-weight-bold][.text-style-allcaps] of the people and the day
- [.heading-style-h4][.text-color-blue]from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.[.text-color-blue][.heading-style-h4]
[.text-style-allcaps][.text-weight-bold]STEP 1[.text-weight-bold][.text-style-allcaps] Understand the basics and some advanced concepts (1/2)
[.text-color-blue][.text-weight-bold]Method used[.text-weight-bold] PowerPoint support[.text-color-blue]
- [.heading-style-h4][.text-color-blue] from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.[.text-color-blue][.heading-style-h4]
[.text-style-allcaps][.text-weight-bold]MEAL BREAK[.text-weight-bold][.text-style-allcaps]
- [.heading-style-h4][.text-color-blue]from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.[.text-color-blue][.heading-style-h4]
[.text-style-allcaps][.text-weight-bold]STEP 1 :[.text-weight-bold][.text-style-allcaps] Understanding the basics and some advanced concepts (2/2)
- [.heading-style-h4][.text-color-blue]from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.[.text-color-blue][.heading-style-h4]
[.text-style-allcaps][.text-weight-bold]STEP 2 :[.text-weight-bold][.text-style-allcaps] Apply via a practical case – retail case
[.text-color-blue][.text-weight-bold]Method used[.text-weight-bold] exercise then powerpoint support for the restitution of the case[.text-color-blue]
- [.heading-style-h4][.text-color-blue]4:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. [.text-color-blue][.heading-style-h4]
- [.heading-style-h4][.text-color-blue]from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. [.text-color-blue][.heading-style-h4]
[.text-style-allcaps][.text-weight-bold]STEP 3 :[.text-weight-bold][.text-style-allcaps] Confirm acquired skills via 3qtz certification
[.text-color-blue][.text-weight-bold]Method used[.text-weight-bold] passing the certification online, Google Form[.text-color-blue]
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